It's just... Jaime

General No More

Atlas Rising

Due Process: Judge and Jury

Once, Atlas was the pinnacle of technology. Under the guidance of the Council, led by General Jaime Ironwood, it prospered.

But the class division between Atlas and Mantle was an ongoing problem. The rich stayed rich, the poor stayed poor, and Atlas and Mantle grew farther and farther apart. While Ironwood did what she could to stem the disparity, one woman could only change so many minds and enact so many legislative changes.

Ultimately, she and the Council had the difficult task of keeping a Kingdom split united... and in its weakness, disaster struck.


-She continued evacuations from Mantle in order to save as many people as possible before the final assault on Atlas.
-She did NOT shoot Oscar. Having had her PTSD flare up in her office, she escaped down to the Vault to think and calm down, knowing she needed humanity to band together to win.
-The only people she has Wanted posters out on are Yang Xiao long and Blake Belladonna for divulging state secrets to a hostile entity and the murder of Adam Taurus in Argus. Teams RWBY, JNR, Qrow Branwen, and Robyn Hill are all free to do as they choose.
-Clover is ALIVE. She had all of her Ace Operatives tagged with biometric sensors and had him brought back to Atlas before he died.
-Most of the heinous warcrimes commited by canon Ironwood in Vol. 8 did not take place, including: threatening to drop a bomb on Mantle, shooting down SDC freighters intended to save the lives of Mantle's citizens, etc.

Atlas Falls

Assaulted from within and without by Salem's forces, Jaime was forced to save the people over the Kingdom once it became clear that she could not do both. Authorizing the use of the Staff of Creation to create a vast portal network to transport the Atlesians from the falling Kingdom to Vacuo in hopes of bolstering the Vacuans for the coming assault and escaping with their lives.

It wasn't a great plan, but it was the only one she had to work with.

Now no more than a refugee, Jaime leads her people across the desert wasteland of Vacuo in the hopes of one day returning to Atlas and rebuilding the Kingdom-with or without her at the head of its government.


General No More

Due Process: Judge and Jury

Name: Jaime Ann Ironwood
Birthday: August 22
Age: 40
Height: 6'6” (6'9” in heels-which is most of the time)
Weight: 225 lbs
Nicknames: Sir, the Iron General, the Tin Woman
Sexuality: Bi/Pan, Switch w/heavy dominant lean
Semblance: Hunter's Mark- she can pinpoint target anything and aim at it with unerring accuracy over extreme distances.
Weapon: Due Process, a pair of pistols that turn into a sniper rifle. The weapons are aptly named Judge, Jury, and Executioner.

Due Process: Judge and Jury
Due Process: Judge and Jury

Jaime is a stoic, business like woman who has a tendency to put others-and Atlas-before herself. While often secretive, she often appears cool headed and moderate until pushed. She has a fierce temper with a slow burn but is fiercely loyal to those who manage to get close to her.

She has very few vanities, though she never appears in public without immaculate makeup, focusing on her eyes.

The Huntress's Unique Body

Jaime's cybernetic implants are vastly different from any of her counterparts' in the multiverse. Amongst the many differences are her ability to reload Due Process through her palms as well as utilizing specialized Dust cartridges for a variety of touch-based elemental attacks. They include (and are not limited to):

  • A neurotransmitter in her forehead that assists her with controlling the right side of her body.

  • A chip in her brain that allows her to process information quickly and allows her to access the network via a secure port.

  • A false eye that gives her a HUD that can register Aura levels and lets her assess whatever she's looking at for weaknesses.

  • Her heart, which moderates blood flow as needed to her body.

  • Her lungs, which auto-filter the air she breathes and purges all airborne diseases, poisons, and other toxins.

  • Her liver, which filters her blood and removes any foreign material such a venom. It also processes alcohol out of her system before she can get drunk-much to her dismay on some days.

  • Her spine, which contains microfilament cabling that increases her reaction time.

  • Her chest and thigh contain hidden internal compartments that house Due Process.

  • Her left arm, recently replaced due to her fight with Arthur Watts in Amity Arena. It is identical in function to her right arm.

  • A sensor suite designed to detect the presence of people or objects closing in from out of her sight line.

  • A hard light projector she can use to hide her prostheses—though it requires a lot of power, so she doesn’t use it often.

Almost her entire right side is cybernetic externally, and it is entirely cybernetic internally. As such, she is quite a bit heavier than the average woman despite all of her work being made of the highest grade, EMP-nullifying polycarbonate titanium.

This gives her massive strength-more so on her right than her left-which is enhanced with the use of gravity Dust.

It also enhances her natural stamina, as she can use her cybernetics to take the majority of the exertion from her human half.

In the Multiverse

Jaime has had specialized training outside of her Huntress training. She has also managed to travel outside of Remnant.

The Iron Hand Alchemist

Having learned alchemy from Roy Mustang, who managed to travel to Remnant, she has since become a certified State Alchemist known as the Iron Hand Alchemist. Her specialty is the ability to transmute the air around her-she splits it into both steel and oxygen and uses Fire Dust (or a snap of her fingers from specially crafted plates in her fingertips designed to strike a spark) to ignite the oxygen and launch the steel spheres like bullets.

Alternatively, she also uses this technique to superpower her punches and kicks by transmuting the air into helium around her, making her limbs slip through the air faster.

Jaime even has a military rank in Amestris, happily serving under the current Fuhrer-King Grumman as a Lieutenant General.

It is important to note she CAN use alchemy on Remnant-but generally does not-and CANNOT use Dust in Amestris because it simply does not work there.

The Iron Twins

Thankfully, Jaime is not alone. At her side always is her younger twin brother, James (@IAmDueProcess) and no two siblings could possibly be closer. Having survived a harrowing experience in their younger days that saved their team but cost them both their right arm and leg (and in Jaime's case, most of her right side), the Iron Twins have faces hardship after hardship together and come out stronger for it.